Noalya is an emotion of aromas and flavours that evoke the tropics and the equator, it tells of the sun that pervades
the earth and the scents that the land, cared for and cultivated, transfers to plants and cocoa. The result is an
extraordinary fruit that, rich in beneficial nutrients for man, fascinates and seduces. Noalya is the result of study, knowledge, plantations managed directly and others in which the close relationship with the farmers, that Alessio Tessieri knows personally. All this guarantees the correctness of the working process, according to the guidelines defined by him, the high quality and traceability of the seeds arriving at the factory. Noalya is the rigorous application of natural cocoa processing techniques, from extraction to roasting carried out with cutting-edge machines and able to respect the different organoleptic and antioxidant properties of cocoa, which he produces in his laboratories, starting from beans harvested from plants. Noalya is cioccolato coltivato because the apparent paradox tells us that all this precedes the final processing of chocolate.
Noalya is Alessio Tessieri, one of the leading chocolate experts, who in 1997 began his journey around the planet
to select the best plantations and get the best cocoa. A neverending journey that allows him to propose a range
of mono-origin chocolates and to elaborate a series of exclusive blends able to enhance aromas and taste. But it
was also a voyage in Venezuela where Alessio Tessieri’s dream came true: one of his plantations. In 2001 he bought
the land and began the selection of individual cocoa plants, a long and careful research, to cultivate the best and
favourite criollo cocoa qualities, nowadays a flourishing plantation, an important source for the supply of Noalya,
the cultivated chocolate. Noalya cioccolato coltivato is also a project of tailoring in progress, based on the synergy between the excellence of the expertise Alessio Tessieri and the technique and pastry culture of exceptional pastry chefs, with the ability to customize products: an Academy for a chocolate tailored for professionals. Noalya cioccolato coltivato is a vast assortment of white, milk and dark chocolate bars, dedicated to anyone who
lets themselves be moved by unforgettable sensations of pure pleasure.

Alessio Tessieri in his plantation


From South America to Africa, from the Tropics of Cancer to that of Capricorn through the Equator. The red line of
the plantations where Noalya has been supplied, intertwines Colombia, Guatemala, Trinidad, Ecuador, Nicaragua,
Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cuba, Honduras, Grenada, Brazil, Perù, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Tanzania, Vietnam, Java and of course Venezuela, where the estate owned by Alessio Tessieri is located. From here, Noalya obtains the precious cocoa beans to transform it into a high quality chocolate: the Criollo Merideño, the Guasare and the white Porcelana. These rarities of noble cocoa are expertly worked according to
guidelines shared with farmers and agronomists of the places of harvest: the fermentation, cocoa softening process
in which the brown color takes over, the drying in the sun, with which the process of fermentation and reduced
moisture content and bagging for sending to the ports of departure. Noalya guarantees a production chain that is very short and unique: as soon as the processes on the collection sites have been completed, cocoa, in jute bags, finally begins the journey from the four continents to the plant in the heart of Tuscany, with conservation procedures during the transfer guaranteed and constantly monitored by Noalya to safeguard the excellence of the fruit.



Cabosse di cacao PorcelanaCabosse of Porcelana cocoa

Cabosse di cacao Criollo

Criollo cocoa cabosse, inside the cocoa beans


After the long journey of cocoa, Noalya begins the chocolate production process.
The knowledge of the process and the long experience gained have allowed Alessio Tessieri to select
around the world also the most suitable equipment for the various processing stages. After careful cleaning, the cocoa beans are toasted. The art of roasting is one of the secrets of Noalya that carefully guards to ensure the constant quality of chocolate. At first in the fermentation and drying phase in the sun take place and develop the first fundamental aromatic, that gives the cocoa its typical and unmistakable bouquet. With this subsequent heat treatment, further unique and particular aromas are developed, which only the expert staff of Noalya and the historical machines, modified and enriched with modern technologies, are able to exalt. This delicate process is customized with different temperatures for each type of cocoa, to ensure that during roasting, the various types of seeds give off their own aromatic characteristics:from the intense scents of red fruit, to the sweet notes of dried fruit, through the pleasant memories of roasting with tobacco aftertastes and elegantly spicy endings. The constant tasting of the product in the steps following the process, up to the creation of the liqueur, allows us to decide the most suitable percentage of cocoa to enhance aromas and taste, select the qualities for the creation of blends and apply the great experience to facilitate the work of chefs using Noalya cioccolato coltivato.

Alessio Tessieri nel suo stabilimento di Ponsacco (PI)
Alessio Tessieri in his factory in Ponsacco (PI)


The Tessieri School is a true contemporary workshop, a place to develop a solid culinary base, learn advanced professional techniques and to pay great attention to details. Our laboratory is in constant evolution with one primary goal: to provide comprehensive professional training which will produce highly qualified individuals confident of their skills and able to transmit their enthusiasm for all that lies behind each recipe. The Atelier is open to all who want to have new experiences and create new opportunities: beginners who aspire to become tomorrow’s professionals ready to enter the field, working professionals who feel the need to improve and keep up to date, amateurs who would like to challenge themselves and entrepreneurs who require focused consultancies.

 Contact us for any further informations